![]() "Yost’s (Votives, 2017, etc.) prose is meditative, imbuing
the milieu of the small city with existential weight. Lee is well-developed as a central character, sadly realistic about her hometown (“Toledo never had anything to offer teenagers or college kids…they were the lost generation redone. In Toledo, we sought dark woods and abandoned alleys in which to get stoned or screwed, then faced the endless problem of what to do after burning the joint or buttoning the pants. Prospects were bleak for the unimaginative”)." KIRKUS REVIEW Youth at Risk, a novel.
Betrayed by her girlfriend and stalled in her career, Lee Bauer takes to the road to revitalize her sense of purpose. But west-coast hookups, fights with street kids, and misguided vision quests fail to invigorate her, forcing her to ransack her personal and workplace relationships for new ways to flourish. Cover image: Lost Opportunities, Anette Lusher, 2011.
Youth at Risk rejoins psychologist Lee Bauer (Factory, 2017), now in her thirties, working with troubled teens and struggling to reclaim herself, others, and life’s potential writ large.
Other writing: "Restless Need: An Interview with Rebecca Brown" in Frisk Magazine (2002). "Sexual Practices: Female" published in Reader's Guide to Gay and Lesbian Studies (2000). A bibliographic essay. "Reflections on Art & Life, Poetry & Pig Farming: An Interview with David Lee" in The Bloomsbury Review (Sept/Oct 1999). |
All That Is Behind Us Now, a novel.
Votives are imagined selections from Gertrude’s private daybooks.
Find some of Tricia's poems in these journals:
Find some of Tricia's stories in these journals:
All Things Jesbian "The Accomplice" The Normal School "What We May Be" The Texas Review "Something Good" Harrington Lesbian Fiction Quarterly "The Solitude of Dance" "Who Says Carpe Diem Anymore?" Hayden's Ferry Review "The Root Cellar" |